Did you know that depression is highly linked to chronic inflammation in the body?

Every single time you eat, you either increase or decrease inflammation in your body.


We all know the regular, highly-inflammatory, culprits:

White sugar, food additives, artificial sweeteners, MSG, and fried foods.

But, what about the hidden-thieves-of-health?

High-gluten grains like barley, heavy-dairy foods like yogurt?

Do you experience fatigue, bloating, abdominal pains, cramps after eating, diarrhea, constipation, eczema, blurry thinking, or depression?

Have you ever been told that you have symptoms of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), Crohn's, Leaky Gut, Inflamed Joints, or an Over-Active Nervous System?

Did you know that *all* of these conditions are connected to the level of inflammation in your body?

Learning to decrease inflammation, through the foods you consume, is a powerful way to increase your capacity to live in a body that is energized, vibrant, and pain-free.

Nourishing a healthy gut is *directly* connected to creating emotional and spiritual balance in your life (Did you know that 80-90% of our serotonin - our happiness hormone - is created in the gut?!)  


Are You Ready to Decrease Inflammation in Your Own Body?

Get My Top Ten List of the Most Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Foods

to Start Incorporating Into Your Diet Today!

Sign-Up Here: 


21-Day Individualized SPRING DETOX Packages

Book now for your individualized spring cleanse. I will guide you through safely creating a 21-day cleanse to increase energy, decrease fatigue, lose weight, and improve mental clarity. Cleanse packages available online through zoom.



Why to Detox, and How to Safely Embark on a Spring Renewal Cleanse:

The practices of detoxifying the body and the mind for more vibrant health, and greater spiritual connection, have long been a tradition of Eastern and Indigenous cultures, and the benefits are becoming widely known to the Western world.


Book A Free 20 Minute Call to Learn More!:

My practice revolves around the view that the mind and the body are ONE.

The challenges of life can separate us from our own intuition. We can find ourselves disconnected - Eating foods that don’t nourish us & spending time with people who don’t honour us. Learn how to get re-acquainted with yourself.